Amazing Email Marketing Hero

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About Course

Email marketing is the most powerful system of online marketing.

Once you build an engaged list of buyers, you can sell to them again and again at nearly 0 cost.

If you haven’t built a list yet, then it’s high time you did that. That’s the most important thing you can do for your business today.

This course, built by professional email marketers, will show you everything you need to create the correct email marketing strategy for your business.

You will learn:

  • Setting up forms,
  • Creating lead magnets,
  • Tricks to grow your engagement,
  • Sales techniques,
  • Inboxing techniques,
  • E-mail marketing good practices
  • you’ll find everything.

Take this course in its entirety, or use it as a reference to clear specific concepts, you are going to get extreme value and real-world advice.

This is the most detailed email marketing course online, so enroll now and turn into an ace email marketer.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Email Marketing
  • List-building
  • Getting people to sign up to your list
  • Writing emails that sell

Course Content

Email Marketing Basics

  • What is Email Marketing and Why is it Important
  • What is Opt In Marketing
  • What are Lists and Subscribers
  • What is an Optin Form
  • What are Autoresponders
  • Laws and Regulations You Must Know (GDPR, PECR, CANSPAM)
  • How to Use this Course

Tools for Email Marketing

Start Getting Subscribers

How to Get Traffic to Build Your List

Engage Subscribers

Improve Your Response Rates

Mail Sequences

Tips Tricks and Warnings
